Best Practices

The StitcherAds’ ABCs of A/B testing

When you see a great ad on a social media site, it looks straightforward and flawlessly executed. You might say it looks effortless! Each product image is perfectly sized, it has compelling callouts such as price strikeouts or star reviews, and it’s easy to place the colors, fonts, and logos with the brand. What people don’t realize is that it takes time, patience, and lots of testing to land on the perfect combination of elements for an ad that sells. While some elements may work for prospecting, they might not work for retargeting. Star ratings may work for some brands or for different steps in the marketing funnel, but might be wasted space for others. This is why testing is an integral part of building your performance marketing engine.

The StitcherAds platform allows customers to run 10 different overlays at a time, making it easy to test different elements. We recommend that our clients test multiple creative elements to gain efficiencies at all stages of the funnel. For example, if a marketer is looking to improve brand awareness for the retention of customers, they may want to test different types of borders, fonts, or colors. If they are looking to drive revenue, they may want to test price strikethroughs, sales banners, or % off. Without testing, there are no guarantees for success.

Test multiple creative elements to gain efficiencies at all stages of the funnel.

Even more, there are so many different types of ads to test. Depending on the publisher, you may want to understand which types of ads perform the best, what the return on ad spend is for each type, and which overlay elements convert.

Publisher Ad Types

Stay tuned for part two of our A/B testing blog series where we’ll detail our three-phase process for testing DPA elements. In the meantime, feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like to learn more about StitcherAds’ solutions.