Rina leveraged ForwardPMX and StitcherAds to achieve a 70% increase in ROAS over 10 days.
Rina, a well-known Saudi fashion brand, teamed up with their agency, ForwardPMX, with the goal of improving their prospecting campaigns on Facebook. Rina and ForwardPMX ran always-on Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences (DABA) on Facebook to drive client acquisition and reach users who have expressed interest in similar products and are likely to convert. To gain the attention of potential prospects, the team needed a way to deliver eye-catching ads that would drive performance.
By leveraging the StitcherAds’ Creative Suite, the team implemented dynamic overlays that took the DABA campaign to the next level. Using the overlay technology, the ads dynamically included the product’s price, sale price, percent off, and images seamlessly resized to fit the ad type. With designs that matched Rina’s website and overlays that stood out in-feed, the team produced on-brand ads that harnessed the attention of prospects and ultimately achieved the KPIs they were after.
Thanks to the StitcherAds Creative Suite, the team saw incredible results in just a short, 10-day test period. The campaign drove:
- 16% increase in CTR
- 38% increase in Conversion Rate
- 70% increase in ROAS