Christie’s Direct achieved a 66% higher Conversion Rate with Creative Overlays.
Christie's Direct is one of the leading Dog Grooming Suppliers in the world. Christie’s Direct is known for having one of the widest ranges of grooming product inventory in the industry and is constantly developing and evaluating new products. While they have significant web traffic, the team sought a creative solution to improve their conversion rate and drive performance.
By leveraging StitcherAds technology, Christie’s Direct built a creative strategy to include dynamic elements designed to improve user engagement and drive performance. Within the StitcherAds’ Creative Suite, the team used unique Overlay technology that added context to the ads through product-specific call-outs and branded elements such as:
- Dynamic Sale-No sale price
- Payment methods based on price
- Starring information
- Loyalty points
The campaign delivered incredible performance, with Creative Overlays delivering consistent conversion rates. After running an A/B test to fairly compare the ads using overlay vs no overlay, the report found a 66% higher Conversion Rate with ads that used Creative Overlays.